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featherhawk essences 

Restoring Sanity in a Crazy World...
...One Drop at a Time!
Acknowledge the Sacredness of Your Journey
Accept the Power of Your Light
Know the Universe Supports You Always
Honor Your Courage


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This months featherhawk news is here. Subscribe here.

Click here for the essence intro page where you have access to all the essences
here for the Site Map with links to other helpful pages
here for the FAQ
here for animal care information
here for support for the highly sensitive person
here for upcoming classes and events

Thank you!

featherhawk nature and flower essences are liquid vibrational remedies that nourish your soul and heal your emotions... one drop at a time! They care for your human potential while nurturing your soul's quest for healing, expression, and expansion.

We are living in a time of enormous change and transformation. featherhawk essences gently and effectively support your soul's journey while keeping you grounded in mind and body on Mother Earth.

One drop at a time?

You know, an idea doesn't have to be big to change the world. Twitter, anyone? Essences are a seemingly small idea that can change your world. And yes, a few drops 3 or 4 times a day make a huge difference. Believe it!

Whether you are seeking insight or information, searching for peacefulness or support for a personal issue of health or well-being, or even if you landed on this page out of simple curiosity or completely by accident, you've come to the right place!

featherhawk nature and flower essences are the connecting point and the translator for body and mind, soul and spirit. In the gentlest way possible, they light your path, urge you along in the best direction, and offer pure vibration al frequencies to hold you steady and call you into wholeness. And yes, they do all of this by the drop! Click on "The Essences" to begin your exploration!

If you have questions, comments or concerns about the essences or the website, please contact me directly by email (nanci at featherhawk dot com), or give me a call at 812.949.0478 (local if you are in the Louisville, Kentucky Metro Area including Clark and Floyd counties in Indiana; outside the US? call +01-812-949-0478). In the USA you can call toll free: 877.226.7858.

Thank you for visiting featherhawk. Bookmark this page and visit often! 

The information in this web site is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your health care professional if you have any questions.

No animals are captured or harmed to make any featherhawk essence, there are no animal ingredients, and there is no animal testing.

© 1999-2015 by Nanci Irene Wesling. All text and images on this site are protected by Copyright law. No text or images may be copied, altered, reused or modified without written permission from the owner of this site.











featherhawk essences  |  PO Box 125 New Albany Indiana 47151.0125
812.949.0478  |  877.226.7858 toll free in USA